For the past year, we’ve only been using the internet as a means to our entertainment. I thought we’d consume large amounts of data, somewhere in the 300GB range, but it turns out we don’t.
Last month I got a new wireless router, upgrading from our old linksys (yes, before cisco bought them) 54G router to a Netgear N router.
The 54G had been working well, but recently, perhaps due to the number of wireless routers in our neighborhood, we began to lose connection throughout the day. I looked around and found the Netgear to be the best value.
Anyway, the Netgear includes a traffic meter function. I decided to turn it on to figure out how much data we used through the month.
As of today, 19 days into this month, while maintaining our normal usage, we’ve only downloaded 56GB. I think that is interesting considering we ONLY use the internet for all entertainment. That includes radio, tv, movies, bit torrent, racing, etc, etc, etc.
Part of that could be our internet speed, limited to our DSL’s 3mb (I’ve tried to upgrade, but we are too far from the switch station). Meaning that HULU and Netflix are likely only sending us SD content and thus less data.
The month is not over yet, we’ll find out how it goes.